films to watch and comic book adaptations

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Category: , By Viraj
David Fincher - Fight Club, also doing the movie 'Heavy Metal' with Zac Snyder and Gore Verbinski

Eric Roth - Munich
Robin Swicord - Matilda, Memoirs of a Geisha

Brad Pitt - You'll see him again in Quentin Tarantino's 'Inglorious Basterds'
Cate Blanchett - Lending her voice in 'The fantastic Mr. Fox'

Brad pitt plays Benjamin Button who weirdly is born old(86 years old) and as the days go by he grows younger. While at a nursing home, where his father abandoned him, he comes across a young Daisy(Blanchett), whose grandmother is at the nursing home. Later on they start to fall in love with each other, now you know what the problem is. This is a different kind of love story and an interesting one. Have you ever watched the notebook? well if you have and you like it then you will enjoy this movie. If you are a fan of romance then go watch this, its a different kind of love story.

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