films to watch and comic book adaptations


Category: , By Viraj
George Tillman Jr - Men of Honour

Reggie Rock Blythewood - Biker Boyz
Cheo Hodari Coker - First Project

Jamal Woolard - Christopher 'Biggie' Wallace
Derek Luke - Sean Coombs
Angela Bassett - Voletta Wallace

Christopher 'Biggie' Wallace was one of the biggest newcomers in rap at one time. In 1997 he got shot in a drive by. This film chronicles his life, if you've seen films like coach carter or hardball you probably already know the kind of life in the 'ghetto'. I have never listened to any of his music but i like watching these kind of films because they show you that everything is possible, take the tagline - No dream is too big - if you want to do something do it, give it a try, you never know. If you are a fan of music or Biggie, or you need some inspiration then go watch this! it covers his Lovelife, friendships, feuds and his dream and how he became the person he was.

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